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We Finally Had Our Coffee Date

Just for half an hour. And right after a quick trip to the market.

Last week was a full-packed week. And I realized I didn’t spend much time with my wife. In fact, I only gave her my free time during the week.

The reason is other things got prioritized: My work, assignments, and home errands.

Our days can be occupied with a lot of "needs" to be done. These “needs” are endless and if we are not careful, they get the top of our to-do list.

But how much of it is really important? How much of it is really your responsibility? Do you have to do all the “needs” right in front of you?

My reminder this week is not to use all my time in meeting all the “needs” around me, but rather to use my time wisely in fulfilling the “call” God has given me.

And one of it is to be a husband to my wife.

Keep in mind that the need is often times not the same as the call.

It's the same for marriage and for any ministry God has called you to.

Let’s learn to say “no” so we can say “yes” to things that matter most.

Like simple coffee dates.


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