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Build Good Fences

Fences protect us from outside harm. And prevents us from going beyond safe boundaries. It is never meant to constrain us.

As parents, we build the fences for our kids. We set the ground rules for our family.

What to do, and what not to do. Even the consequences for every broken rule.

When a child is still small, I think it’s ok to set your fence a little higher and tighter.

Because a child needs it as they are finding their way in this big and crazy world.

And while they’re growing up, these fences will be challenged and questioned.

“Why are we doing what we are doing?”

As parents, we have to give them an answer. Solid, objective, and factual answers.

We have to model and teach them.

Because one day, they need to make fences for themselves.

To protect them And not to constrain them.

They say that we prepare the child for the road. In this post-modern world, we should also teach them to build good fences.


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