Our kid loves playing with building blocks. He also loves tools like screwdrivers and nuts and bolts. We would spend hours building anything from airplanes, dinosaurs, and robots.
I always thought he’s going to be a real builder when he grows up.
Last weekend we bought a DIY closet for him and I told him he can help me build it.
So, for the next 2 hours, he was handing me over carpentry tools, helping me lift up small wooden parts, and putting on screws on the tiny holes. He looks like playing, but he was actually doing real work.
I know he was having fun. And I was having fun, too.
I could have built this closet on my own faster. Instead, it took half of the day to finish it. But I realized that involving my son means we get to share the accomplishment together. He can proudly say that he built his closet with daddy.
It made me reflect about my heart's response whenever I am doing God’s work.
Most of the time I fail to realize that God was actually the one doing all the hard work and not me. In fact, He could do it faster and better without me.
But instead, He allowed me to work alongside Him in accomplishing His will.
And that is a humbling reality.
In spite of our brokenness, God chose to do His work through us.
And just like building closets with daddy, being part of God’s work is a privilege in the eyes of an eager child.
It warms my heart whenever I hear my kid say, “I helped daddy build my closet.”
Somehow, I hope that’s how God feels whenever I tell Him, “I am honored to do your will.”