Our son asked us to buy this book because he likes insects and bugs. We bought it for him because we're curious of the answer.
So why did God create these pesky pests? Why didn’t He make them a little cuter like the lady bug? Why do they bite us anyway?
As we read through it this week, I realized it’s just a children’s devotional book and not a science book of facts. But guess what? As simple as it seems, I think it got the answer right-
"They provide food for bats and birds."
That’s how God created all things- big and small, short and tall. He always has a purpose in mind.
There are times that we may feel we don’t measure up to the world’s standards and we lose all self-worth.
But don’t be discouraged.
One day you’ll understand the reason why God created you exactly as who you are.
And all our flaws and imperfections will someday become the perfect backdrop to reveal God’s grace in our lives.
We are all made with a purpose.